Loca⅃ Lok


Local Lok, meaning local world is an ode to the unique essence of a specific place. 

It is our heartfelt expression to introduce Varanasi to global travellers.


Our team are individuals deeply rooted in the town, we possess an innate love & understanding of the local community.


It is strategically located – an equal distance from the airport, Sarnath & the Ghats


Local Lok is an industrial art deco poshtel, every nook of it has an essence of Varanasi

Woman owned

Your chances of staying at a woman owned & operated hotel in India is lesser than 1%

Comfy stay

We offer all the essentials for a cozy stay, including round-the-clock reception, complimentary Wi-Fi, city maps, and the options for scooter or car rental. Each room is equipped with its own bathroom stock with all necessary toiletries. 

Best deals - group stays

Have more than 4 friends? Get group pricing!

Our accommodation package offers everything you need to make this ancient town your home. Enjoy flat pricing for any dorm room!

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